Chiropractic and Pain Management in Nashua NH

Chiropractors in Nashua NH implement a wide range of techniques when treating patients. Each is designed to meet specific needs, and some techniques may even be used in conjunction with another. Spinal decompression therapy is often used to increase space in between the discs for conditions like spinal stenosis. Patients from Brookline, Nashua, Hollis, and Pepperell are harnessed on a motorized traction table that performs rotations of stress and release. It’s a very relaxing treatment that takes about 30 minutes. Some patients experience relief after just one treatment. However, usually a series of treatments are required for optimal results.
Neck and Back Pain in Nashua NH
Chiropractic care is an important part of a comprehensive pain management strategy. Many of our patients are surprised to learn that an undiagnosed spinal misalignment may be contributing to their chronic back or neck pain. For example, a car accident injury like whiplash can cause a misalignment of the atlas vertebra. Once this vertebra is out of alignment, it may place pressure on nearby nerves, which in turn triggers chronic pain. Patients may also suffer from increased headaches or migraines. While medication can provide temporary relief, drugs can only mask pain. They cannot correct the underlying mechanical misalignment that is causing the pain in the first place. Restoring alignment to the spine is the first step towards effective, drug-free pain management.
Sciatica is a relatively common complaint in Nashua. In fact, 40 percent of Americans will experience sciatica at some point in their lives, which is why our experienced chiropractic team here at Main Street Wellness makes treating this ailment a pillar of our practice. Below you’ll learn more about what causes sciatica pain and what a chiropractor can do about it.
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems are distressingly common — and commonly distressing. Jaw pain, neck pain, facial pain and shoulder pain are just a few of the symptoms associated with a misalignment of this delicate joint. But even if your dentist prescribes treatment to address the problem, underlying alignment issues in the cervical spine may prevent you from experiencing full relief. That’s why you need to to consult a chiropractor for this particular health problem — and why our chiropractor Dr. Jerrilyn Sullivan offers TMJ care here at Main Street Wellness & Chiropractic.
Up to 80 percent of adults experience occasional tension headaches. Women are twice as likely to suffer from this type of headache. There is no one cause for tension headaches. It’s often caused by tightened muscles in the back of neck. This muscle tension may be due to emotional or mental stress, poor posture, overexertion, inadequate sleep and fatigue. Overall, tension headaches are often triggered by internal or environmental stress. Cluster headaches are neurological disorders that typically occur on one side of the head, usually around the eye. These headaches are generally accompanies with other symptoms, such as swollen eyes, nasal congestion and watery eyes. Often, cluster heads occur in cyclical patterns. Migraine headaches occur due to changes in the brain and its surrounding blood vessels. They can last from a couple of hours to up to 72 hours. Status migrainosus is a migraine headache that lasts more than 72 hours. Like tension headaches, migraines occur more in women than men. And some people experience an aura with a migraine headache. Common triggers of migraine headaches include MSG in Chinese food, chocolate, cheese and birth control pills. Increased physical or emotional stress can also bring on a migraine headache. Research has shown that chiropractic care for headaches is effective.
To date, no one really knows the exact cause of fibromyalgia. However, there are some theories. Some medical professionals think it’s caused by stress or genetics. At the same time, many researchers believe that it’s not cause by a single event but a combination of emotional and physical stressors. Then, there are those who think that lower levels of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin is the culprit. This neurotransmitter is associated with pain thresholds and calming the body. While all of these theories may sound like the cause of fibromyalgia, all of them are just speculative. Without a doubt, fibromyalgia is more common in women than men. Perhaps, it caused by biochemical changes during menopause or pregnancy.
Worker’s Comp
Workers’ compensation insurance, also known as workers comp, is insurances designed to cover work-related diseases and injuries. In order to quality for benefits, you have to have been employed in your place of business, and not a freelance or subcontract worker, and you must have sustained the injury while on the clock, doing work your employer required you to do as part of the job.
Impulse IQ for Non-manual Adjustments
The Impulse IQ technique is precise and effective for a variety of lower back injuries, pinched nerves, muscles strains and even headaches. It is a handheld computer controlled device that delivers adjustments with precise force. The chiropractor controls the setting for theproper applied force. The Impulse IQ device also beeps if further adjustments are needed. Like spinal decompression therapy, it’s painless. Like the Impulse IQ, the Activator method uses a handheld instrument to deliver a gentle impulse force to the spine. Specifically, it’s a diagnostic and treatment system used to treat chronic headaches, neck pain and back pain.
RRT for Pain Management
Here at Main Street Wellness & Chiropractic, we offer a wide range of natural treatment methods as part of our holistic or “whole body” approach to healing. Our chiropractor, Dr. Sullivan, understands that an injury or medical condition can affect the body in ways that take many forms, including chronic muscle tension, muscle spasms and accumulations of abnormal internal scar tissue. That’s why we’re proud to be the only chiropractic health and wellness center in the area currently offering Rapid Release Technique (RRT) to help our patients overcome these challenges.
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8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Main Street Wellness
382 Main St
Nashua, NH 03060
P: (603) 882-5742
F: (603) 880-1445